function gaEcommerceSend(data) { var subItem = {}; /* if (typeof ga === 'function') { ga('require', 'ecommerce'); ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', { id: data.transaction.transId, affiliation: data.transaction.affiliation, revenue: data.transaction.revenue, shipping: data.transaction.shipping, tax:, currency: data.transaction.currency }); for (item of data.items) { subItem = { id: data.transaction.transId, name:, sku: item.sku, price: item.price, quantity: item.quantity }; ga('ecommerce:addItem', subItem); } ga('ecommerce:send'); } else */ if (typeof gtag === 'function') { var items = []; for (item of data.items) { items.push({ id: data.transaction.transId, name:, sku: item.sku, price: item.price, quantity: item.quantity }); } if (window.website_settings.conversion_label) { gtag('event', 'conversion', { send_to: 'GT/' + window.website_settings.conversion_label }); } /** NEW DATA LAYER ***/ window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ event: 'orderComplete', orderValue: data.transaction.revenue, orderId: data.transaction.transId, orderCurrency: data.transaction.currency }); /** EOF ***/ gtag('event', 'purchase', { send_to: window.send_to['GAGT'], transaction_id: data.transaction.transId, affiliation: data.transaction.affiliation, revenue: data.transaction.revenue, shipping: data.transaction.shipping, tax:, currency: data.transaction.currency, items: items }); } } if (window.location.href.indexOf('eshop/checkout') != -1 || $('.simpleCart_grandTotal').length > 0 ) { window.checkOut = 1; } else { window.checkOut = 0; } window.states = {}; (function () { $.fn.serializeObject = function () { var o = {}; var a = this.find("input,select,textarea").serializeArray(); //console.log(a); $.each(a, function () { if (o[] !== undefined) { if (!o[].push) { o[] = [o[]]; //detailsFormSubmit } o[].push(this.value || ''); } else { o[] = this.value || ''; } }); return o; }; $.fn.field = function (inputName, value) { var that = this; if (typeof inputName !== "string") return false; var $inputElement = $(this).find("[name='" + inputName + "']").length > 0 ? $(this).find("[name='" + inputName + "']") : $(this).find("#" + inputName); //console.log([inputName, value, $inputElement,$(this)]); //console.log([inputName, value,$'input:text') , !$inputElement.val() , !value]);//ads_title if (typeof value === "undefined" && $inputElement.length >= 1) { switch ($inputElement.attr("type")) { case "checkbox": return $":checked"); break; case "radio": var result; $inputElement.each(function (i, val) { if ($(this).is(":checked")) result = $(this).val() }); return result; break; default: return $inputElement.val(); break; } } else { if ($'select') || $'textarea')) { if ((inputName == 'model' || inputName == 'manufacturer') && $inputElement.find("option[value='" + value + "']").length === 0) { var newOption = new Option(value, value, false, false); $inputElement.append(newOption).trigger('change'); } else if (value > 0 && inputName == 'ads_categories_ads_categories_id' && $inputElement.find("option[value='" + value + "']").length === 0) { var cat_name = window.currentAdInfo != undefined && window.currentAdInfo.cat_name != undefined ? window.currentAdInfo.cat_name : window.startAdInfo.cat_name; //console.log(value,cat_name); var newOption = new Option(cat_name, value, false, false); $inputElement.append(newOption).trigger('change'); } $inputElement.val(value).trigger('change'); return $inputElement; } else if ($'input:text') && !$inputElement.val() && !value) { return $inputElement; } else { switch ($inputElement.attr("type")) { case "checkbox": $inputElement.attr({ checked: (parseInt(value) || value == 'show' ? true : false) }); break; case "radio": $inputElement.each(function (i) { if ($(this).val() == value) $(this).attr({ checked: true }) }); break; case undefined: $(this).append(''); break; default: $inputElement.val(value); break; } } return $inputElement; } } $.fn.fields = function (object) { if (typeof object === "undefined") { return this.serializeObject(); } else { for (filed in object) { this.field(filed, object[filed]); } } } $.fn.classes = function (object) { if (typeof object === "undefined") { return false; } else { for (filed in object) { this.field(filed, object[filed]); $(this).find('.' + filed).text(object[filed]); } } } })(); /************************************************************ Main Scripts *************************************************************/ ! function ($) { "use strict"; // Global Esc object window.WEShopping = window.WEShopping || {}; window.WEShopping = { /** * Fire all functions */ init: function () { var self = this, obj; for (obj in self) { if (self.hasOwnProperty(obj)) { var _method = self[obj]; if (_method.init !== undefined) { _method.init(); } } } }, shooping: { selector: 'form#mainForm', init: function () { var base = this; //console.log('dddd'); base.initShooping(base); }, initShooping: function (base) { //$.get("/eshop/get-buyer-profile-info/", function (res) { // window.buyerProfile = res; if (window.checkOut) { var cartColumns = [{ attr: 'thumb', label: false, view: function (item, column) { return ''; } }, { attr: "name", label: "Name", view: function (item, column) { //return '
' + item.get('name') + ($.trim(item.get('stock_number')) ? '
Stock# ' + item.get('stock_number') + '' : '') + '
'; var html = '
' + item.get('name') + ($.trim(item.get('stock_number')) ? ('
Stock#' + item.get('stock_number') + '') : ''); html += (item.get('is_deposit') == 1 ? (item.get('deposit_type') == 'percentage' ? ('
(' + item.get('deposit_rate') + '%) Deposit') : ('
($' + item.get('deposit_rate') + ') Deposit')) : ''); // html += (item.get('is_backorder') == 1 ? '
Temporarily Out of Stock' : ''); /* if(item.get('is_backorder') == 1 ) { if(item.get('instock_quantity') > 0) { html += '
Instock: '+item.get('instock_quantity')+' Items Items out of '+item.get('quantity')+'
Backorders: '+item.get('back_orders_quantity')+' Items out of '+item.get('quantity')+'
' ; } else { html += '
Temporarily Out of Stock' ; } }*/ html += '
'; return html; } }, { attr: "shippable", view: "itemShippingOption", label: false, className: "col-md-6 col-md-offset-6" }, { attr: "price", label: "Price", view: 'salePrice', className: "text-center" }, { view: "decrement", label: false, text: "-", className: "text-right" }, /*{ attr: "custom_quantity", label: "Qty", className: "text-center item-quantity", view: "customQuantity", },*/ { view: "quantityInput", attr: "quantity", label: "Qty", className: "text-center" }, { view: "increment", label: false, text: "+", className: "text-left" }, { attr: "backorder_quantity", label: "Backorder Qty", className: "col-md-12", view: "backorderQuantity", }, { view: "remove", text: '', label: false, className: "text-center" }, ]; } else { var cartColumns = [{ attr: 'thumb', label: false, view: function (item, column) { return ''; } }, { attr: "name", label: "Name", view: function (item, column) { //return '
' + item.get('name') + ($.trim(item.get('stock_number')) ? '
Stock#' + item.get('stock_number') + '' : '') + '
'; var html = '
' + item.get('name') + ($.trim(item.get('stock_number')) ? ('
Stock#' + item.get('stock_number') + '') : ''); html += (item.get('is_deposit') == 1 ? (item.get('deposit_type') == 'percentage' ? ('
(' + item.get('deposit_rate') + '%) Deposit') : ('
($' + item.get('deposit_rate') + ') Deposit')) : ''); //html += (item.get('is_backorder') == 1 ? '
Temporarily Out of Stock' : ''); html += '
'; return html; } }, { attr: "price", label: "Price", view: 'salePrice', className: "text-center" }, /*{ attr: "total", label: "SubTotal", view: 'currency', className: "text-center" },*/ { view: "decrement", label: false, text: "-", className: "text-right" }, { view: "quantityInput", attr: "quantity", label: "Qty", className: "text-center" }, { view: "increment", label: false, text: "+", className: "text-left" }, { attr: "backorder_quantity", label: "Backorder Qty", className: "col-md-12", view: "backorderQuantity", }, { view: "remove", text: '', label: false, className: "text-center" }, ]; } if (window.SellableItems == undefined) { window.SellableItems = {}; } simpleCart({ cartColumns: cartColumns, cartStyle: "div", currency: (window.SellableItems.paymentsCurrency == undefined ? 'CAD' : window.SellableItems.paymentsCurrency), data: {}, language: "english-us", excludeFromCheckout: [], shippingCustom: null, afterAdd: function (item) { $('#cartBox').addClass('cart-open'); $('body').addClass('modal-open'); /*{ icon: 'success', title: '\'' + item.get('name') + '\' Added', width: 'auto', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: '  Show Shopping Cart and Checkout', confirmButtonAriaLabel: 'Show Shopping Cart and Checkout', cancelButtonText: '  Continue Shopping', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Continue Shopping' }).then((result) => { if (result.value) { //showNormalModal('#cartModal'); $('#cartBox').addClass('cart-open'); //simpleCart.writeCart('.simpleCart_items'); simpleCart.init(); return false; } });*/ localStorage.setItem('simpleCart_quantityChange', Math.random()); base.checkItemsAvailability('quantityChange'); //console.log('quantityChange'); }, load: function () { //alert('load'); //console.log('load'); window.simpleCartLoaded = true; base.checkItemsAvailability('load'); }, beforeSave: function () { // base.checkItemsAvailability(); }, beforeAdd: function () { //simpleCart.load(); }, quantityChange: function () { base.checkItemsAvailability('quantityChange'); }, afterSave: function () { if (window.simpleCartLoaded) { //console.log('afterSave'); localStorage.setItem('simpleCart_quantityChange', Math.random()); } //alert('load'); // base.checkItemsAvailability(); }, /*update : function () { console.log('update'); //alert('load'); // base.checkItemsAvailability(); },*/ /*ready: function () { alert('ready'); base.checkItemsAvailability(); },*/ checkoutSuccess: null, checkoutFail: null, beforeCheckout: null, beforeRemove: null }); simpleCart.init(); $('body').on('click', '.cart-request-quote', function () { if (simpleCart.quantity() == 0) {{ icon: 'error', title: "Cart is empty!", showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } else { bootbox.hideAll(); var email = ''; if (simpleCart.getSetting('TargetFullInfo') != undefined) { email = simpleCart.getSetting('TargetFullInfo').Email; } Swal.mixin({ input: 'text', confirmButtonText: 'Next →', showCancelButton: true, progressSteps: ['1', '2'] }).queue([{ input: 'email', title: 'Enter your Email:', inputValue: email }, { input: 'text', title: 'Enter your Quote/Request or Question:', confirmButtonText: 'Submit √', } ]).then((result) => { if (result.value) { var cartHtml = $('.simpleCart_items')[0].outerHTML; $.post('/eshop/request-quote/', { quote: result.value, cartHtml: cartHtml }, function (res) { if (res.error == true) {{ icon: 'error', title: res.message, showConfirmButton: true }) } else {{ title: 'Request Sent!', text: 'We usually reply within 24 hours, Thank you.', confirmButtonText: 'Okay!' }) } }) } }) } }) $('body').on('click', '.add-to-cart', function () { var itemId = $(this).data('itemid'); var item = window.SellableItems['items'][itemId]; var quantity = 1; if ($('.quantityBoxBox').length) { quantity = $('.quantityBoxBox').val(); } var cartItem = simpleCart.find(itemId); if (!Array.isArray(cartItem) && cartItem.get('is_deposit') == 1) {{ icon: 'error', title: 'You\'ve reached the maximum units allowed for the purchase of this item.', showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } if (!Array.isArray(cartItem) && cartItem.get('quantity') >= cartItem.get('max_quantity') && cartItem.get('is_backorder') == 0) {{ icon: 'error', title: 'You\'ve reached the maximum units available for the purchase of this item.', showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } else if (!Array.isArray(cartItem) && simpleCart.uniqueQuantity() >= 25) {{ icon: 'error', title: 'You\'ve reached the maximum Unique Items Allowed per Order', showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } if (window.SellableItems.enableBackorders == 1 && item.quantity <= 1) { ///item.quantity = 1; item.is_backorder = 1; } else { item.is_backorder = 0; } // console.log(item); var depositRate = (item.itemDepositRate > 0 ? item.itemDepositRate : window.SellableItems.depositRate); simpleCart.add({ id: itemId, name:, price: item.price, image: item.image, url: item.url, instock: 1, quantity: quantity, //shippingFlatRate: window.SellableItems.shippingFlatRate, shippingTotalRate: window.SellableItems.shippingTotalRate, tax_rate: 0, //window.SellableItems.taxRate, taxShipping: window.SellableItems.taxShipping, shippingQuantityRate: 0, node_id: window.SellableItems.nid, node_logo: window.SellableItems.logo, deposit_rate: depositRate, is_deposit: 0, is_backorder: item.is_backorder, max_quantity: (window.SellableItems.enableBackorders ? 1000 : item.quantity), item_backorder: (window.SellableItems.enableBackorders ? 1 : 0), stock_number: item.stock_number, before_price: item.before_price, pricing_rules: item.pricing_rules, enable_free_Pickup: item.enableFreePickup }); return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.deposit-to-cart', function () { var itemId = $(this).data('itemid'); var item = window.SellableItems['items'][itemId]; var cartItem = simpleCart.find(itemId); if (!Array.isArray(cartItem)) {{ icon: 'error', title: 'You\'ve reached the maximum units allowed for the purchase of this item.', showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } if (window.SellableItems.enableBackorders == 1 && item.quantity <= 1) { item.is_backorder = 1; //is_backorder } else { item.is_backorder = 0; } var depositRate = (item.itemDepositRate > 0 ? item.itemDepositRate : window.SellableItems.depositRate); var depositType = item.itemDepositType; if (depositRate == 0) { return false; } //console.log([(item.price / depositRate),item.price , depositRate,((item.price * depositRate)/100)]); simpleCart.add({ id: itemId, name:, price: (depositType == 'percentage' ? ((item.price * depositRate) / 100) : depositRate), image: item.image, url: item.url, instock: 1, quantity: 1, //shippingFlatRate: window.SellableItems.shippingFlatRate, shippingTotalRate: window.SellableItems.shippingTotalRate, tax_rate: 0, //window.SellableItems.taxRate, taxShipping: window.SellableItems.taxShipping, shippingQuantityRate: 0, node_id: window.SellableItems.nid, node_logo: window.SellableItems.logo, deposit_rate: depositRate, deposit_type: depositType, is_deposit: 1, is_backorder: item.is_backorder, max_quantity: item.quantity, stock_number: item.stock_number, before_price: (depositType == 'percentage' ? ((item.before_price * depositRate) / 100) : 0), item_backorder: 0, pricing_rules: item.pricing_rules, enable_free_Pickup: item.enableFreePickup }); return false; // }); $('body').on('click', '.shopping-cart', function () { //showNormalModal('#cartModal'); $('#cartBox').addClass('cart-open'); $('body').addClass('modal-open'); //simpleCart.writeCart('.simpleCart_items'); simpleCart.init(); return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.close-shopping-cart', function () { $('#cartBox').removeClass('cart-open'); $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.back-shopping-cart', function () { $('.cart-content').removeClass('open-login-screen'); return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.shopping-logout', function () { $.post('/index/logout', function () { location.href = "/eshop/"; }) //return false; }); $('.termsOfService').click(function () { showIframeModal('/privacy', 'Terms Of Service'); return false; }); $('#termsCheck').change(function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $('#ShoppingRegister').prop('disabled', false); } else { $('#ShoppingRegister').prop('disabled', true); } }); $('#ShoppingRegister').click(function () { base.submitRegisterForm(this); return false; }) $('#ShoppingSignIn').click(function (e) { //console.log(e); base.submitSignInForm(this); return false; }) $('#lostPassword').click(function () { base.handelLostPassword(this); return false; }) $('#resetButton').click(function () { base.resetForm(this); return false; }); $('body').on('click', '#saveBuyerProfile,.saveBuyerProfile', function () { base.saveBuyerProfile(this); return false; }); $('body').on('change', '#countryDropDown,.countryDropDown', function () { var val = $(this).val(); base.stateDropDown(val); return false; }); if ($('#completeBuyerProfile').length > 0) { // base.countryDropDown(); if (window.buyerProfile) { $('form#completeBuyerProfile').fields(window.buyerProfile); setTimeout(function () { $('[name="country_id"]').val(window.buyerProfile.country_id); $('[name="state_id"]').val(window.buyerProfile.state_id); }, 1000); $('form#completeBuyerProfile').find(':input').change(function () { $('#saveBuyerProfile').prop('disabled', false); }) } } if ($('#buyerProfile').length > 0) { base.stateDropDown(window.buyerProfile.country_id > 0 ? window.buyerProfile.country_id : 38); if (window.buyerProfile) { $('#buyerProfile').classes(window.buyerProfile); } } if (window.init_msg) { setTimeout(function () {; }, 2000); } //}) }, checkItemsAvailability: function (event) { if (event == 'quantityChange' && window.checkOut == false && 0) { //simpleCart.init(); return; } else { var itemsInfo = simpleCart.getItemsInfo(); // console.log(simpleCart.getSetting('enableBackorders'), itemsInfo); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/eshop/check-availability/", data: { itemsInfo: itemsInfo, checkOut: window.checkOut, fixedShipping:(window.fixedShipping != undefined && Object.entries(window.fixedShipping).length > 0 ? 1:0), enableBackorders: simpleCart.getSetting('enableBackorders'), }, dataType: "json", beforeSend: function () { if (window.checkOut == true) {{ title: 'Please Wait...', allowEscapeKey: false, allowOutsideClick: false, timer: 20000, onOpen: () => { swal.showLoading(); } }); } }, error: function () { //console.log(res, 'error'); swal.close(); }, success: function (res, textStatus, jqXHR) { swal.close(); //console.log(res); if (res.error != undefined && res.error == 1) {{ icon: 'error', title: res.message, }); $('#CartShippingMethod').prop('disabled', true).val(0); $('a.checkout').addClass('disabled'); } else { if (res.rates != undefined && res.rates.error != undefined && res.rates.error == 1) {{ icon: 'error', title: res.rates.message, }); res.rates = {}; } $('#CartShippingMethod').prop('disabled', false); $('a.checkout').removeClass('disabled'); var updates = simpleCart.updateItems(res); if (updates.removed.length > 0) { var message = updates.removed.length == 1 ? "The item: '" + updates.removed[0] + "' is out of stock." : "The items:
'" + updates.removed.join('\'
\'') + "
Are out of stock." //updates[0];{ icon: 'info', title: 'Some Items are out of stock!', html: message, }); } else if (updates.changedToBackorder.length > 0) { var message = updates.changedToBackorder.length == 1 ? "The item: '" + updates.changedToBackorder[0] + "' is Temporarily out of stock." : "The items:
'" + updates.changedToBackorder.join('\'
\'') + "
Are Temporarily out of stock." //updates[0];{ icon: 'info', title: 'Some Items are Temporarily out of stock!', html: message, }); } } } }); } }, stateDropDown: function (val, tval) { var val = val || 0; if (val == 0) { // $('#stateDropDown,.stateDropDown').html(''); return; } /* newOption = new Option(item, item, false, false); //console.log(item); $(elm).append(newOption).trigger('change');*/ // console.log(window.states[val], val, tval); if (val > 0) { var tval = tval || 0; // console.log(window.states[val]); if (window.states[val] == undefined) { $.post('/eshop/get-states/', { stateId: val }, function (res) { window.states[val] = res; var html = ''; html += ''; for (const [key, elm] of Object.entries(res)) { html += ''; } $('#stateDropDown,.stateDropDown').html(html).val(tval); //console.log( html); }, 'json'); } else { var html = ''; html += ''; for (const [key, elm] of Object.entries(window.states[val])) { html += ''; } $('#stateDropDown,.stateDropDown').html(html).val(tval); } } }, countryDropDown: function (val) { var val = val || 0; if (val == 0) { //$('#countryDropDown,.countryDropDown').html(''); return; } var html = ''; var newOption; for (const [key, elm] of Object.entries(window.dealerCountries)) { html += ''; } $('#countryDropDown,.countryDropDown').html(html).val(val).trigger('change'); WEShopping.shooping.stateDropDown(val); }, handelLostPassword: function (button) {{ title: 'Enter your login email to reset your password', input: 'email', inputAttributes: { autocapitalize: 'off' }, showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Submit', showLoaderOnConfirm: true, preConfirm: function (email) { console.log(email); $.post('/eshop/forgot-password', { email: email }, function (res) {{ title: res.message }) }) }, allowOutsideClick: () => !Swal.isLoading() }) }, saveBuyerProfile: function (button) { var $form = $(button).parents('form'); // $('form#completeBuyerProfile'); var errorFound = false; $.when($form.find(':input').each(function (i, elm) { var $parent = $(elm).closest('.form-group'); if (this.checkValidity() == false) { $parent.addClass('has-error'); errorFound = true; } else { if ($parent.hasClass('has-error')) { $parent.removeClass('has-error'); } } })).then(function () { //console.log(errorFound); if (errorFound) { return false; } else { var data = $form.fields(); data.filesList = window.filesList; $.post('/eshop/save-buyer-profile', data, function (res) { //console.log(res); if (res.error == false) { if ($(button).data('value') == 'Update') {{ icon: 'success', title: 'Saved', showConfirmButton: false, timer: 1500, width: 200 }) } else { location.href = '/eshop/checkout'; } } else {{ icon: 'error', html: res.message, showConfirmButton: true }) } }, 'json') return false; } }) }, submitSignInForm: function (button) { var $form = $(button).parents('form'); var errorFound = false; $.when($form.find(':input').each(function (i, elm) { var $parent = $(elm).closest('.form-group'); if (this.checkValidity() == false) { //console.log($parent, $(elm).attr('name')); $parent.addClass('has-error'); errorFound = true; } else { if ($parent.hasClass('has-error')) { $parent.removeClass('has-error'); } } })).then(function () { if (errorFound) { return false; } else { var data = $form.fields(); data.filesList = window.filesList; $.post('/eshop/sign-in', data, function (res) { //console.log(res); if (res.error == false) { location.href = '/eshop/checkout'; } else {{ icon: 'error', title: res.message, showConfirmButton: true }) } }, 'json') return false; } }) }, submitRegisterForm: function (button) { var $form = $(button).parents('form'); var errorFound = false; $.when($form.find(':input').each(function (i, elm) { var $parent = $(elm).closest('.form-group'); if (this.checkValidity() == false) { console.log($parent, $(elm).attr('name')); $parent.addClass('has-error'); errorFound = true; } else { if ($parent.hasClass('has-error')) { $parent.removeClass('has-error'); } } if ($(elm).attr('name') == 'password') { if ($(elm).val() != $form.find('#confirm_password').val()) { errorFound = true; $form.find('#confirm_password').closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); //$('#confirm_password')[0].setCustomValidity("Passwords Don't Match"); } else { $form.find('#confirm_password').closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); //$('#confirm_password')[0].setCustomValidity(''); } } })).then(function () { //console.log(errorFound); if (errorFound) { return false; } else { var data = $form.fields(); data.filesList = window.filesList; $.post('/eshop/sign-up', data, function (res) { //console.log(res); if (res.error == false) {{ icon: 'success', title: res.message, showConfirmButton: true /*, width: 200*/ }) } else {{ icon: 'error', title: res.message, showConfirmButton: true }) } }, 'json') return false; } }) } }, stripe: { init: function () { var base = this; base.initStripe(base); }, initStripe: function (base) { var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({ key: window.pk_stripe, token: function (token) { return base.commitCheckOut(token); } }); $('.checkout').on('click', function (e) { if (simpleCart.quantity() == 0) {{ icon: 'error', title: "Cart is empty!", showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } else if (simpleCart.getSetting('isCountrySupported') == 0 && simpleCart.getSetting('shippingServiceName').indexOf('Pickup') == -1) {{ icon: 'error', title: "Sorry, We don't ship to your country.", showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } else if ($('.simpleCart_selectShipping').is(":visible") && $.trim($("#CartShippingMethod option:selected").html()).toLowerCase().indexOf('please select') !== -1) {{ icon: 'error', title: "Please Specify a Shipping Method!", showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } else if (simpleCart.uniqueQuantity() > 25) {{ icon: 'error', title: "Max Number of Unique Items Allowed per Order is 25, \n Selected are: " + simpleCart.uniqueQuantity(), showConfirmButton: true }) return false; } if ((simpleCart.grandTotalAfterTax() + simpleCart.itemsRulesValue()) == 0 && simpleCart.grandTotal() == 0) { base.commitCheckOut(); return false; } else if (simpleCart.getSetting('isLocalPickupPreferred') == 0 && simpleCart.getSetting('shippingServiceName').indexOf('Pickup') != -1) {{ icon: 'warning', html: '

Please note your Province is different than the dealer\'s Province,
it is recommended to select another shipping method.

', width: 'auto', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: '  Select Another shipping method', confirmButtonAriaLabel: 'Select Another shipping method', cancelButtonText: '  Continue', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Continue' }).then((result) => { if (result.value) { return false; } else if (result.dismiss == 'cancel') { var image = simpleCart.nodeLogo(); //console.log(simpleCart.grandTotal());{ name: window.website_settings.website_name, amount: Math.round((simpleCart.grandTotal() + Number.EPSILON) * 100), locale: 'auto', allowRememberMe: true, description: simpleCart.quantity() + " Items", currency: simpleCart.currency().code, email: window.buyerProfile.user_email, image: image, //zipCode: true, billingAddress: simpleCart.isBillingAllowed(), //allowRememberMe: true//allow_billing_address }); } }) } else { var image = simpleCart.nodeLogo(); //console.log(simpleCart.grandTotal());{ name: window.website_settings.website_name, amount: Math.round((simpleCart.grandTotal() + Number.EPSILON) * 100), locale: 'auto', allowRememberMe: true, description: simpleCart.quantity() + " Items", currency: simpleCart.currency().code, email: window.buyerProfile.user_email, image: image, //zipCode: true, billingAddress: simpleCart.isBillingAllowed(), //allowRememberMe: true }); } e.preventDefault(); }); $('body').on('click', '.cartCheckout', function (e) { if (window.website_settings.isBuyerLoged > 0) { location.href = '/eshop/checkout'; } else { $('.cart-content').toggleClass('open-login-screen'); } }); // Close Checkout on page navigation $(window).on('popstate', function () { handler.close(); }); }, commitCheckOut: function (token = {}) { var TargetFullInfo = simpleCart.getSetting('TargetFullInfo'); var data = { items: simpleCart.getDataArr(), currency: simpleCart.currency().code, quantity: simpleCart.quantity(), tax:, taxRate: simpleCart.taxRate().toFixed(), shipping: simpleCart.shipping(), cartSettings: simpleCart.getSettings(), itemsRulesTotal: simpleCart.itemsRulesValue(), itemsRules: simpleCart.itemsRules(), grandTotalAfterTax: simpleCart.grandTotalAfterTax(), TargetFullInfo: TargetFullInfo, SourceFullInfo: simpleCart.getSetting('SourceFullInfo'), ShippingAddress: simpleCart.getSetting('ShippingAddress'), shippingInfo: { packages: simpleCart.getSetting('Packages'), //items: simpleCart.getDataShipableArr(), fromAddress: simpleCart.getSetting('ShippingAddress'), toAddress: simpleCart.getSetting('TargetFullInfo') }, creditInfo: { feedCredit: TargetFullInfo.feedCredit, appliedCredit: simpleCart.getSetting('appliedCredit') }, totalBefore:, totalAfter: simpleCart.grandTotal(), usedCard: token.card }; if ($('#deliveryInstructions').val().length > 5) { data.shippingInfo.deliveryInstructions = $('#deliveryInstructions').val(); } var fd = { nid: simpleCart.nodeId(), stripeToken: !== undefined ? : '', data: data }; //console.log(fd); //return; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/eshop/charge", data: fd, dataType: "json", beforeSend: function () {{ title: 'Please Wait...', allowEscapeKey: false, allowOutsideClick: false, timer: 20000, onOpen: () => { swal.showLoading(); } }); }, error: function () { swal.close(); }, success: function (res, textStatus, jqXHR) { swal.close(); if (res.error == false) { if (typeof ga === 'function') { gaEcommerceSend(; }{ icon: 'success', title: res.message, showConfirmButton: true }).then((result) => { if ('test.') !== -1) { return; } else { simpleCart.empty(); location.href = '/eshop/account/' } }) } else {{ icon: 'error', title: res.message, showConfirmButton: true }); } } }); } } } $(document).ready(function () { setTimeout(function () { WEShopping.init(); }, 1000) }); }(jQuery);